Thursday, November 18, 2010


     I don't think that "Space-Time Cloak" should really be any news, especially the head news. The possibility is only slightly possibly. They say it's mathematically possible, but that means it would take time, tools, and the knowledge. It's just to unreal.
     The people overreacting to this shouldn't be. For example: your dad says you might get ice cream (or whatever you like). You think that's a immediately a 'yes you are'. When you don't get ice cream your sad and all the dad says is, "I said maybe darling". The dad= scientist. The ice cream(or what you like)= Space-Time Cloak. You have to consider the possible not happening of the space thingy. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Illegal Downloading

   I don't think it's very ethical to let people illegally download images. What if you were that person? How would you feel? What happens if it were your best friend in that situation?? I was in that situation about one month ago....
   Me and my friends were hang'in around a tree that had fallen near my house. I saw my friend kissing her boyfriend. So I took a pictures, not the best idea ever! They found out and the both got angry. They chased me around to delete the picture from my phone.
   Finally my friend, Alice, got the phone but instead of deleting them she threw it in a lake!! Not a happy ending. Thats what I got for "illegal downloading images". It was embarrassing for her and I should of listened.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ethics !REVISED!

     Communications ethics can be put into many categories. It could go into personal ethics because everything they write is cause from their personal ethics. An example could be some writers won't write about all the gossip and others won't write anything but the gossip.